
We Are WineSalon

What We Do

We pride ourselves on matching our members to the hidden gems of the wine world, small-production, high-quality wines selected and curated to pair perfectly with your life. We go beyond the basics of taste and smell to discover what wine truly means to you.

Based on your unique feedback, we curate each wine shipment based on your tastes, preferences, and events. WineSalon members get exclusive access to special wines, discounts, events, recipes and more!

We deliver six amazing wines to your door four times a year, perfect for discovering a great new wine every season!

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Each wine shipment improves as we discover your unique tastes!

We wanted to create both an online platform and events where people could come together to discuss their personal thoughts, emotions, stories, and memories of wine and food.

- President Peter Chiang

Who We Are

We are the official WineSalon of The Drops of God manga. We’re food and wine lovers. We’re friends and family. We believe that wine should be experienced on an emotional level, best served in celebration with loved ones and great food. We’re committed to learning what wine means to you as an individual and taking you on a food and wine journey.

We were inspired by the unorthodox wine philosophy of Shin and Yuko Kibayashi, siblings and authors of The Drops of God manga, driven by the senses and emotions evoked by wine. With a global following of over 300 million readers, The Drops of God is considered by many to be the “wine bible” of Asia. The series follows protagonist Shizuku Kanzaki on his quest to find twelve rare hidden wines to inherit his father’s famed wine collection.

The manga helped introduce millions of readers to the world of wine, in a fun and educational way. It appeals to readers with its approachable style to tasting and enjoying wine. Keep up with the series on Amazon comixology!